Saturday, September 18, 2010

out of commision

I haven't been blogging because my computer has been in the shop for two weeks. Still don't know if I will be getting it back, or if I will be buying a new computer. Well, that's if I can manage to pay my bills with money left over.

Nursing school is hard already. I'm doing well in all my classes except for Algebra. I really don't think it's me though. Considering out of a class of 24, there is only one person who is sitting at a passing grade. I'm not kidding. The teacher has no clue how to teach the subject, and there are times when we've had to correct his work on the board. He's nothing but confusion. The more he explains, the more confused we all get. Midterm Tuesday, so that will probably be the deciding factor, if I get to continue. No stress, right?

Well, not sure when I'll have access to a computer to update. I'll do my best.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The good news

So Friday, after a week of sitting in classes and not knowing if I'd be allowed to stay...I got the call. Two people dropped out of the RN program, which means I have the 30th seat! WooHoo. I'm in for the long haul. I'm so excited. Or was, until I then realized I actually have to do the shit load of homework that had been assigned all week. So far I'm in Microbiology, Anatomy 1, College Algebra (God Help ME!!) and English 101. So far, so good. Although the only worries I have at the moment are the algebra. It's already proving to be a real pain in the ass. I hate math. If I can make it through this, I can do anything. Bring it on.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


So after being told I had a seat in the August RN class, I find out I am merely an alternate. Here is what happened...

In February, a week before I graduated the LPN program, I went in and took the NET test. AT the time, this nursing entrance exam only required me to make at least a 57. Now we are not talking scores up to's not scored like that. So 57 was passing. I made a 57.5. Barely did it, but I did it.

So 6 months later, I start the admissions process for the RN program. I'm told then, that merely 2 weeks after I took that NET....the national passing score was changed to 58. Are you kidding me? So the college emailed corporate office and got an approval stating that since at the time I took the test, I made the passing score and they would accept it.

A couple of days later, I get a call stating that they wanted me to come take the TEAS test...this is the new "NET" test. To top it off, they wanted me to do it the next day. What?? No study time?? It's ok...I got this right? Wait....and why do I have to take this?? "It's so we have a teas score on file for you in case anything negative comes up about it in the future." Hmm...ok. I'll do it. All I needed was half a point. Seemed easy enough. Well, I made less. a 57.3. Great. Now this put me into alternate status.

Now you are only permitted to take the NET test two times in a twelve month period. So I thought that was my last chance after I took the TEAS. Even though the TEAS is the new NET... They still viewed it as a separate test. The same two test per year rule still applied though. So I was asked if I wanted one more chance at the TEAS. Basically a third try at the nursing entrance test. With one day to study....again. I took it. All I needed was a 58 I was told. If I got that, I would still be an alternate, but I would be number 5 on the list. Hmm. Not very promising. However, the higher you make on the score, the higher up you move on the list.
My new score....a 64. YES! So, this moved me up to number 2 on the alternate list.

Now last Thursday, there was orientation. This is when everyone gets issued their books, and scrubs, student ID, schedule, etc. I was asked to attend, knowing I may not be in this class. The odds were slim. This was before I found out I made a 64. It sucks sitting through all that and not knowing, also not being issued my books, etc when everyone else was getting theirs.

So where do I stand right now? Tomorrow morning is the first day of class. I'm going in and getting my books and scrubs. Will change into those and join in the class. No one knows who the alternates are except for the alternates themselves. I believe I will sit through a week and a half of classes while patiently waiting to see if there are two drops outs, or two pushed out. Then that means I'm in it to stay. In that time, if no one drops...I will have to come back in April 2011 and start with that class.

No matter what happens...I'm not stressing. I have my LPN license. I can work until April if it comes to that. If I get in this time, I will be thrilled. It just really sucks to be relying on someone else's bad luck to turn yours to good. :(

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Where it all stands..

So my start date isn't until August 23rd. In the meantime, i'm working on getting another loan. yay. After getting my stafford loans, and pell grant, I owe about a $3200 gap payment on top of $100 registration fee. It's all about the money. Isn't that nice.

So i'm trying to get a cosigner for my loan. Think I have one, waiting to see this week. Also need to go shopping for new shoes, notebooks, flashcards, pens & pencils, etc. On top of all that, I'm still getting my kids school supplies and preparing them for their start date.

Busy busy.

I'm crazy...yep...that's it!

Guess what I'm doing on August 23rd. I'm going back to school! I was accepted into the RN program where I did my LPN. So I'm moving up in the world. Going for that final degree. At least that is what I say now. Mwahahaha. I had to take a test to see how many of my LPN credits I cold transfer, and I did rather well. Seems I will get to sit out of quite a few classes come November and December..yay!

So with that being said....I'm back to blogging about the experience...Am I there yet? I've just begun...again!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yes, we are there now!

It's official!! I passed the NCLEX-PN and I'm now a LICENSED Practical Nurse! I am so relieved today, I can't even describe my feelings! However, I don't know what to do with myself! This is the first time in a year and a half that I don't have to open a book or study notes! What do I do? I get to have a life again??!!

Well, I'm going to enjoy these next few weeks with my kids while I wait for that License to come in the mail. Then it will be time to hit the pavement and get me a job! Woohooo!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

drum roll....

So this is it. Today is the day I've been working so hard to reach. I sat for my nclex-pn test.

Now I graduated Feb. 26 and have been studying nothing but nclex review books, ATI, flash cards, preparation for this test. It is a pass or fail. No numerical score, no points here or there to save me. I went into this test feeling like I was going to puke, and still..6 hours later, I feel the same.

This test is random as far as questions. You are guaranteed to get at least 85 questions, and at the most, you get 205. Guess what. I was the lucky girl to get the whole test...all 205 questions. The computers just randomly pick the person. Yay me.

So, I sit here sleepless, stressed, wanting to puke and waiting for daylight. Then I can go into the Board of nursing website and find out if I have a license number assigned to me...which means I passed, or not...which means I failed.

It's going to be a lonnnnnng night.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pinned and CApped. Feb 26, 2010

I made it! I'm officially a Nurse Graduate. Now I'm studying for my NCLEX-PN which I should be taking within a month.

My Nana is so proud!

My kids. My inspiration.

Our graduating class. 18 of us made it from an original 32. Two graduates could not be there for pinning and capping, so they are missing in this pic.