Saturday, March 7, 2009


So Friday was not one of my best days. I woke yesterday morning to a stress level that just poured over and I lost control of my emotions. So as I'm putting on the make up, doing my hair, getting ready for class, I was in tears. I didn't even know why. I just knew I had that OMG feeling and that i had no control over anything in my life. I know that's not true. I have every bit of control. At least, that is what I choose to believe.

So Anatomy class, we get our quizes back and I felt very confident with a 97%. I was so happy, another A to add to my score sheet. Then we take the test on the 3 chapters we jsut started and finished the day before, I wasn't so lucky on that one. I made a very low C. I was and am so mad at myself. If I get anything below a B, I panic. I just have high expectations for myself, and to do so bad, IMo.....unacceptable.

In math, I got two A's, so that was a nice ending to my day.

Anatomy final is Monday. It covers 25 chapters. I'd say I have about 18 of those chapters inside and out. The rest? I better get studying....

1 comment:

  1. Don't be so hard on yourself, Sis. I mean, over-all, you're doing great! So what if you made a C on one thing? It's not going to kill your grade, and considering you're a wife, mother of 3, including 2 rowdy teenagers and a dare-devil toddler, I think you're doing fantastic! Give yourself a break once in a while to be human, mmmmkay???

    As for the OMG feelings, that's normal. Your life is even higher stress right now than it was. Just remember to keep breathing!
