Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yeah, he's only 10 weeks old. Big boy.
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Here is the picture I promised of our new pup, Brody. He's the black Great Dane. The Westie is Bella, and the little guy in the middle is my 3 yr old.
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I'm not a virgin anymore

Seasoned nurses tell us that we will see some outrageous/amazing/appalling things during our careers. Today, I saw my first.

A pt was taken off all current/future IV orders and can now only get his meds po (by mouth). When the RN came in to take his IV out, he looked seriously disturbed about the fact he couldn't have IV anymore. Now, most people are thrilled to get those damn things taken out, so why was he so cross about it?

Well, the doctor found out why he was having reactions to his IV meds, he's been injecting street drugs into his IV. What wonderful people his visitors are, huh?


So yeah, I'm not a virgin anymore.

Hospital clinical week 1- day 2

yesterday, I had a 36yr M pt that I found very intriguing. He had a few things going on with him that, for me, were good research. I couldn't access much of his records yesterday because the clinical teacher that had the code for us, was absent, until today. So today I get to look at his past medical history and found out he is an HIV positive pt. This explains quite a few signs he was exhibiting. Now his T-cell count is at 300, so I asked the instructor what the normal range is...she gave me homework. I have to do a report on HIV t-cell, etc. etc. That's what I get for asking questions. Oh's all a learning experience.

My other pt, they suctioned her trach today, I got to assist with that and after assessing her skin integrity, I gave her a lotion massage on her legs and feet...she slept for quite awhile after that. It felt good to do something as simple and calming as that, for her. She is the nonverbal pt, but the way she was looking at me, I could tell she was appreciative.

So it's back to class tomorrow and a test on Nutrition chapters 1 & 2, I better hit the books, because i don't remember a thing from that lecture.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hospital clinical week 1- day 1

After today, what I've thought all along, is true. i definitely want to work in the hospital setting.

We were each assigned two patients today. I have a 48yr F, with stasis, renal failure and hypotension. She is a trach patient (I just KNEW I'd get the trach), on feeding tube, Foley and heart monitors. She is non verbal and doesn't even so much as nod a yes or no. She just stare right through you and followsyou around the room with her gaze. I wonder what is going through her mind. I wonder how she got to be this way at such a young age.

My second patient, a 36yr M, with hematuria, and flank pain. he is a delightful person, very upbeat. I took him down for CTscan today, of his kidneys. They seem to think the pain is related to possible kidney stones. I'll know results when I see him in the morning.

So I spent a lot of the day shadowing nurses as they did their routines and offering assistance to my fellow classmates with their patients, when mine were off for tests. Tomorrow I might be lucky enough to be one of three to watch an amputation. It amazes me the things that fascinate me. I'm really loving this too much. If that's possible.

I know my feet hurt and so do my legs. It's time to get some support hose and new Gel inserts!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Great news, I passed Pharmacology with an 83 (B), so I'm a happy camper for that! I had a nervous breakdown in class the day of final, after taking the test, waiting for results. I wasn't the only one. Sadly, we lost 3 fellow students who didn't make the grade. They get the chance to remediate by coming back with the next LPN class that starts in October. Still, I'll miss them. I hate it when we lose people, but the relief that I was not one of them is overwhelming.

Took Med-surg mid-term yesterday and made a B on that as well, I'm one point from an A in that class, but presentation grades have not been posted. So, I think I'll get to that A soon.

I have a 3 day weekend! I'm so excited! I am mentally exhausted at this point. This was my hardest week ever since starting nursing school. I'm so glad it's over. I'm in Nutrition 101 now, along with continuing Med-surg. I get Monday off for Memorial day, and Tuesday and Wednesday we go to our first Hospital Clinicals. I'm excited and nervous about that one.

I'm just going to chill this weekend. No more tests until Thursday!!! I'm going to have me some pina coladas and hang with the hubby and kids, and maybe even do a little catch up house work.

I'm also going to spend some time with our new puppy. Did I mention him yet? His name is Brody, he's a Great Dane....9 weeks old and he's already 33 pounds!! As soon as blogger cooperates with me, I'll post a picture.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

On the Agenda....

After finishing a (and barely passing) an 8 chapter test today, our syllabus has been changed around and I'm going to lose it!

We had lecture on 4 chapters in Pharm today, and we'll complete the last 5 chapters of our book tomorrow, all in 3 hours. Monday, we are testing on these 9 chapters, then a med-surg test in the afternoon. Tuesday, is our Pharmacology final. It's going to count for 50% of our grade. No pressure, right?! Wednesday (if I make it past Tuesday) our group project is due for Med-surg. Our 4 person group is tackling wounds (dehiscence, evisceration, and infection) and we have to present to the class individually. Wednesday afternoon, we start Nutrition 101. you can imagine...I won't be posting much this weekend, and you may see a scream or cry for help come Monday night as I'm pulling my hair out studying for the final. I jsut pray I can pass this class. I've managed to pass all my classes so far with High A's and B's. This one, I'm sitting at an 80% at this moment and we have to pass with a 77% or higher. Since final is 50% of our grade.....yeah.

I feel sick to my stomach. *sigh*

Monday, May 11, 2009

T- 6 hrs

First semester, I was awarded with a gold star pin for my perfect attendance. I was proud. I always pride myself on being on time, showing up every day. I think it's very professional to do so and It will have to be a constant for me when I start nursing. So, I'm starting now.

We are in second semester now. I played hooky today. One part of me feels awful for it, because I wanted to so much keep that perfect attendance. I mean, hell...I was back to class the day after my surgery, I wasn't going to let a few stitches, pain and some percocet keep me home. I was wonder woman that day!
Today, Wonder woman has been foiled by a very sick and very cute 3 yr old that needed my undivided attention. Every one of my kids are sick. They've all been sick for at least a week, but the 3 yr old just came down with it yesterday morning. They couldn't keep me here, but him.....those puppy dog eyes, rosy red cheeks and mouse-like squeak of "mommy, I don't feel good", did me in.

I suppose my Instructors will forgive me. I just hate that I had to knock 6 hours off the 29 hours total we are allowed to miss for the entire program. No one else better get sick or I might have to take drastic measures.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Assistant's Evaluation Memo

Judy Smith, my assistant, can always be found
hard at work in her station. Judy works independently, without
wasting hospital time talking to colleagues. Judy never
thinks twice about assisting fellow employees, and she always
finishes given assignments on time. Often, Judy takes extended
measures to complete her work, sometimes skipping coffee
breaks. Judy is an individual who has absolutely no
vanity in spite of her high accomplishments and profound
knowledge in her field. I firmly believe that Judy can be
classed as a high-caliber employee, the type which cannot be
dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Judy be
promoted to executive management, and a proposal will be
executed as soon as possible.

Regards - Charge Nurse

Shortly thereafter, the HR department received the following memo from the Charge Nurse:

Sorry, but that idiot (Judy) was reading over my shoulder while I wrote the report sent to you earlier today. Kindly read only the odd numbered lines for my true assessment of her...


So it's the beginning of semester 2, I'm holding A's in both Med-surg and Pharmacology. A 6 chapter test is given in Pharm about every 2-3 days. I've held my own pretty damn well, until last Thursday. I falied. I screwed up. I didn't get to study like I needed to the night before because of issues going on at home. No excuse I know, but with only two days to study for a 6 chapter test. Well, shit.

So my next six ch. test is this Tuesday, I plan to ace that one. Just letting you know, when I fail hard like that, it just makes me stronger and I'm ready to kick this crap in the teeth!

My weekend is being spent making a shitload of drug cards for Pharm project and playing nurse to my 3 yr old who is gawd-awful sick right now. Fun stuff.