After today, what I've thought all along, is true. i definitely want to work in the hospital setting.
We were each assigned two patients today. I have a 48yr F, with stasis, renal failure and hypotension. She is a trach patient (I just KNEW I'd get the trach), on feeding tube, Foley and heart monitors. She is non verbal and doesn't even so much as nod a yes or no. She just stare right through you and followsyou around the room with her gaze. I wonder what is going through her mind. I wonder how she got to be this way at such a young age.
My second patient, a 36yr M, with hematuria, and flank pain. he is a delightful person, very upbeat. I took him down for CTscan today, of his kidneys. They seem to think the pain is related to possible kidney stones. I'll know results when I see him in the morning.
So I spent a lot of the day shadowing nurses as they did their routines and offering assistance to my fellow classmates with their patients, when mine were off for tests. Tomorrow I might be lucky enough to be one of three to watch an amputation. It amazes me the things that fascinate me. I'm really loving this too much. If that's possible.
I know my feet hurt and so do my legs. It's time to get some support hose and new Gel inserts!
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
3 days ago
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