Thursday, June 25, 2009

Finishing up and vacation

So I finished Nutrition 101 yesterday, with a B. I'm so glad it's over. Surprisingly enough, it was one of the hardest classes I've had so far. I think it had more to do with the teacher's style rather than the course material itself. That's a whole can of worms though, that i won't open. Class is over.

All I have left now is my integumentary final, which is Tuesday. Until then, I'm on vacation. From now until July 7th. I need it so bad. My hosue is a wreck, my kids miss me and I'm mentally exhausted. So I'm enjoying this time off starting tomorrow morning with the exception of 2 hours Tuesday morning to go take final.

I won't be posting until classes start again. As Martha says...."it's a good thing".

Saturday, June 20, 2009

just griping, ignore me.

So I have this gripe. I used to wonder if it was just my class that were bumbling jackasses or if this went on in nursing schools everywhere. Recent comments I've read on forums here and there confirm the latter.
I'm a pretty easy going person. I get along very well with the very nice all the way to the freakish bitches you just want to nail to the floor. I make it that way. Sometimes I think I'm the only one that tries though. I'm 36. I left high school behind years ago. So tell me how it found me again in college??
My class is composed of ages 19 - 45. So that may be the explanation in itself. Too many generations putting in their 2 cents when the others just don't give a shit. It's causing problems.

So now the instructors. Well, one in particular, Mr. Hairy. He's new to teaching. He is one of the best Rn's I've ever seen, but as a teacher...he lacks. I swear he is constantly PMSing too. We had midterm yesterday for his Integumentary class, and because one student....ONE...went to him jumping all over him for something stupid that happened in clinical that I guess he reprimanded her for...he takes it out on the whole class. He comes into class to hand out midterm, never saying a word. Just brewing and giving dirty looks. Soon as test time was up, he collects and starts lecture. He at first wouldn't even address half of us if we had questions. He rushed through lecture then said midterms would be posted at end of day, by 5pm. Dismissed us and went back to his office to brew some more I suppose.

It's almost 10am, next day and our grades are still not posted. What is with him? I swear he needs to get some thicker skin or go back to his surgical nursing rounds and stay there. I'm tired of stupid little things like this, done by one student, being taken out on all of us. I'm not paying all this money to go to class and get treated like this. There is so much more, but i could write a book, and I just don't have the time. Later.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It was not an exciting week at clincal. We had some interesting learning experiences with an elderly man whom was very perverted and harassing. Other than that, just the usual stuff.

Midterm for nutrition was today and I didn't fair so well. We have test tomorrow and Friday again, so I have these two chances to bring my grade up again. I'm sitting at an 80 average right now. Not good enough.

Integumentary is going great. I'm keeping an A average in that, so no worries.

I'm just studying my butt off non stop it seems. No room for the fun stuff, pretty boring week so far.

Friday, June 12, 2009


This whole week has been interesting to say the least. Clinical on Monday and Tuesday were tiring, more so than usual. My Pneumonia patient from the previous week was still in the same room this week. I asked my clincal instructor if I could take her room as assignement along with the two others i'd been given. So, three patients kept me very busy. Not to mention I had a few moments to help other students. H* in particular needed help with her older male patient whom it was obvious had cdif, though the nurses denied it. It wasn't until Tuesday that they finally gave in and got an order from the doc to do a smear test. This patient also had MRSA in the nares. So as you can imagine, we had to take every precaution going into his room, gowned, masked....the whole nine yards. We must have cleaned him from his very messy bowel movements at least 4 times just in the first 4 hours. Poor H* was exhausted just from that.

So we had an incident. It didn't happen to me, but it was quickly spread through the grapevine and we had discussion about it in post-conference with our instructors. Basically the "how NOT to nurse" speech.

When we get on the floor we are assigned two patients and first thing we do is find out who the charge nurse is for those patients and the pct so we can let them know we are working under them that day. Well, H* had what seemed to be such a great nurse, very informative at first, teaching as she went, etc. It came time to pass meds and H* was sent in with this nurse to give a subcutaneous injection (abdomen) of Heparin to her patient. This was the first time she has given an injection like this. She tents the skin, has correct finger placement and starts to go in, but hesitates, noticing something was not right with the needle. As she still has the skin tented, this nurse yanks the needle from her hand and jabs it between H*'s fingers, into the patients abdomen. She went through H*'s glove. So here is H* totally shocked at what just happened, and has her gloved hand pinned down to the patient as she then realizes the needle had broken at the hub. So what does this nurse do? She straightens the needle hub and pushes the med anyway. Heparin went all over the patient. So, this patient did NOT get his med, this nurse did not follow procedure and H* about had a stroke from the possibilty of almost getting a needle stick. Amazing. This nurse quickly started mouthing some bullshit trying to cover her ass when she turns around and sees our clinical instructor standing there, who had walked in at the moment she grabbed the needle. Nice.

Later that day, same nurse starts spouting off to H*, in front of a patient that "this is not the job for me", "I hate it here, I hate doing this", etc. I bet the patient felt wonderful hearing that while this lady is working on his dressings!

So, Tuesday. Same nurse, different day. A patient who was on ordered restraints because he pulls his tubings and IV's out, was for some reason unrestrained and now bleeding in various spots from his handy work. H* and I started cleaning him up, called this nurse in to let her know before that, so she could stop the IV. We are not autherized to do that yet. She handles the IV while we are cleaning the patient. Afterwards, we realize t here is water all over the floor and see it's coming from the IV. She NEVER stopped it, just hung it back up, that was it. I and another student go to find her so she can come stop the IV, when anotehr patient calls to us. We go in and her IV machine is beeping, stating her infusion is complete. She asks for her nurse stating to us "She told me how to flush it when it's done, or turn it off, but I forgot, can you go get her please?" Our mouth hit the floor I think. What the hell is this nurse thinking? So we checked the entire floor, room by room, asked other nurses, pct's, Charge one knew where she was. She was on break. Nice.

So as you can imagine, our instructors felt it needed to be reported. They all went to the higher ups and gave statements, and were asked to write an incident report. We are not even nurses yet, and incedent report.

The kicker...we go back to the same floor Monday. I really hope that nurse is not there anymore. Though I'm sure she just got a slap on the wrist. Whatever.

On a happy note....I passed and finished Med-Surg. Made a B on my final, made a B+ as overall grade. Now I'm looking forward to Nutrition midterm Wednesday, and we started Integumentary yesterday, first test in that class was today....I made an A. I'm loving it.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Clinicals, tests and days off

This week has been so busy, I didn't even get to blog about my 2nd week of clinicals. I'll make is a brief summary.

I had 2 patients. 72F with pneumonia. I was able to go with her and witness a TEE test being done. They insert this gawd awful long tube/scope down her esophagus to her stomach and view the back of her heart. It was very cool, for me. Sucked for her. The doctor was awesome in explaining everything we were seeing and answering our questions.

Second patient was a 26 M admitted with sudden onset of seizures. He spent most the time I was there, going for one test or another. He was a trooper, and kind enough to be my first attempt at giving a Subcutaneous injection. Had to admin in the abdomen. He said I did great. Sweet.

The rest of the week, I spent in class taking test or in labs practicing inserting NG tubes on dummies. I dread the day I have to do that on a patient. Such an uncomfortable thing.

Today, Friday. I love today. You know why? Because I played hooky from school. There were some things that needed to be taken care of in my personal life, so I sent my daughter off to her friends for a three day weekend (she is my babysitter, so this was a treat for her) and I've been haning with my boys, tending to everything and everyone.

Monday I'm back to clinical...this time in the OR. I'm so excited!