Saturday, June 20, 2009

just griping, ignore me.

So I have this gripe. I used to wonder if it was just my class that were bumbling jackasses or if this went on in nursing schools everywhere. Recent comments I've read on forums here and there confirm the latter.
I'm a pretty easy going person. I get along very well with the very nice all the way to the freakish bitches you just want to nail to the floor. I make it that way. Sometimes I think I'm the only one that tries though. I'm 36. I left high school behind years ago. So tell me how it found me again in college??
My class is composed of ages 19 - 45. So that may be the explanation in itself. Too many generations putting in their 2 cents when the others just don't give a shit. It's causing problems.

So now the instructors. Well, one in particular, Mr. Hairy. He's new to teaching. He is one of the best Rn's I've ever seen, but as a teacher...he lacks. I swear he is constantly PMSing too. We had midterm yesterday for his Integumentary class, and because one student....ONE...went to him jumping all over him for something stupid that happened in clinical that I guess he reprimanded her for...he takes it out on the whole class. He comes into class to hand out midterm, never saying a word. Just brewing and giving dirty looks. Soon as test time was up, he collects and starts lecture. He at first wouldn't even address half of us if we had questions. He rushed through lecture then said midterms would be posted at end of day, by 5pm. Dismissed us and went back to his office to brew some more I suppose.

It's almost 10am, next day and our grades are still not posted. What is with him? I swear he needs to get some thicker skin or go back to his surgical nursing rounds and stay there. I'm tired of stupid little things like this, done by one student, being taken out on all of us. I'm not paying all this money to go to class and get treated like this. There is so much more, but i could write a book, and I just don't have the time. Later.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like undiagnosed PMS to me. You should urge him to go in for an evaluation.
