Thursday, September 3, 2009


We are doing this class in 5 days! Thank goodness it's a pretty easy subject for me, or I'd have lost my mind by now. We took midterm today, I passed with an 84, brings my average to a 90. Not bad. So unit exam tomorrow and then in a week from now, we go in for the final. It's only bones and muscles..........cinch.

On another note, I'm at a new clinical site now. The main hospital in Jacksonville that is a university hospital, teaching hospy and charity hospy all in one. I'm not crazy about it because they still do everything on paper. The charting....OMG....I miss passing meds and charting all with a computer. I'm spoiled, I know.

Four day weekend ahead....time to catch up on the house work, wash the dogs, get to know my kids again....maybe sleep in, if I'm lucky.


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