Monday, April 6, 2009

3 different styles

We've been in nursing skills labs for over a week now and are preparing for our first clinicals starting next Monday. Skills are taught in PN 103 (practical nursing foundations 103) and taught by Mrs D., I'll call her Snow white...(I swear she looks just like her).

Anyway, Snow White is one of my favorite teachers. In the labs, we have been assigned with two other teachers, along with her to practice for our upcoming practicum and clinicals. The two other teachers are Mr. H, and Mrs. C.

We've been told many things about Mrs. C, and since we have yet to have her teach us (She starts with us next week for Med-Surg) all we really had to go on was the "horror" stories. Mr. H, we've had already for math and will have again for Neuro. I was assigned Mrs. C. for clinicals, and while in labs, we are to practice under the eye of our clinical instructor.

I have to say, she is not as bad as they say. She is stern on the points. I like that. I need that. I learn better like that. No games. she even cracks a joke every once in a while. I look forward to seeing how she is when we have her for 6 hours during Med-surg. I wonder if her demeanor will change.

I like all three teachers and each of them has very different teaching styles. Mr. H is strong in demonstration. Mrs. C. is strong in explanation of proceedures AND demonstration. Snow White is strong in documentation and care planning. So if we get all three to teach us in's a win win sittuation.

Thing is, we are assigned to three different groups, each group that one teacher. So what do I do? I get my procedure done, then wander and sneak in to each of the groups as they are doing the same procedure and I learn from all three teaching styles. My sneakiness is paying off, I believe. I feel like I really have a strong grasp on the material and the skills.

I guess the true test to that will be Friday when we have practicum. That is a skills test. We go to the lab one at a time, pull a paper from a hat and read a scenario from it. We then have to perform t he skill for that scenario in front of a random instructor. It's pass or fail. No grade.

As George Lopez says..."I got this".

1 comment:

  1. Well, IMHO, whatever works, ya know? You do what you gotta do to make the grades. I gotta get a little bloggin done myself here in a bit, if I can get some peace to do it in, that is. Grats on doing what it takes to get the job done! We'll make a nurse of you yet! (Once you are a nurse, and we move down there, you know my hubby is gonna run around going "HELLLOOOO NURSE!" Like they do in those Animaniac cartoons, right?)
