So today was very hard on most of us. Some of us saw noticeable depression in our patients, due to the fact that we had to say goodbye today. They wre spoiled all week compared to the attention they normally get, which isn't much. Granted, for the most part, it's not the CNA's or Nurses fault. Often times it just boils down to economics. Too may residents per nurse, means that one on one interaction is not always fulfilling enough for the pt.
I did my head to toe assessment on Ms. B. today. It was a great day for it becuase she was so alert. Granted, not A&O x 4, only by 2, but enough to where I had a good time with her during and after the assessment.
Me and one other student got to PERFORM a straight line cath today! That is something we are not to start learning until Med-Surge which starts this coming Friday. I have never been so excited to see pee in my lfie...lmao! It was so cool the way the proceedure is done, so fast and simple. Ms. C. said we are one step ahead of the rest of the class now, and can be marked off for this skill already. Score!
So not much else to my day. Now I have to work on finishing my care plan and nurses notes to turn in on Monday, as well as study for the PN 103 final on Monday. ONce I pass this I'm pretty much certified to work as a CNA until I graduate to LPN in Feb. I doubt I'll work anytime soon though. My husband got a new job, so that should pay the bills for a while and i can concentrate on school and family.
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
2 days ago
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