Some days nursing school feels like elementary school. I'm referring more to how some of my classmates act towards each other and the drama that gets started. for some reason, it seems to all stem from one particular person, over and over again.
I hate it. I hate how it is dividing our class. We all swore in t he beginning that nothing like this would happen to us. In reality, it truly is every person for themselves. we are paying a lot of money to get to our end goal. So it's understandable, that mentality I mean. I just wish some people could act more like grown ups, rather than children. I suppose stress, pressure etc, brings out the worst in some people....the best in others.
The newest thing going on....someone is stealing stuff from peoples lunch boxes. How silly is that? I mean why? Seriously.
I'm just keeping my goal in sight and keeping my nose clean.
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
1 day ago
OMG, that is seriously childish. I think you have right idea about keeping your goal in sight and your nose clean. You don't want to get labeled as a trouble maker at school. Let others play their childish games if they want.