This morning we had a good start. Assisted residents with breakfast in the green room. Then I went to see my patient and help her with her breakfast. After that, there wasn't much to do except take vitals on all residents on that wing.
One patient in particular was wailing non stop and begging for someone to come see her. So while my classmate took the vitals of the resident in the next bed, I sat and let this upset patient talk it out. It wasn't long before she was much calmer, no more crying and I assured her I would inform the nurses of her request. All she wanted was to be put back into her bed so she could stop the shaking. I felt so bad for her.
As we were going to the next room, we were stopped in the hallways by a few classmates and told to get our stuff and get back to the conference room stat. Turns out, State Officials were on their way in about 10 minutes and the staff wanted us gone. Student nurses are allowed to be in the units when state is there to do their reviews. However, the DON preferred us not to be, in case State decided to ask us something and we didn't know the answer, they didn't want the facility to get written up for that. Understandable.
So we gathered our things and went back to campus. Once at school, the senior class had a guest lecturer and we were invited to sit and learn as well. He was from SETA, and t here to discuss the importance and legalitites of tissue and organ donations.
So after that, it was lunch time and the instructors let us come home early. Thank goodness, because I am tired!
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
2 days ago
Sorry your day was cut short, but it gives you some expected down time, as well as some time with the kiddos (and it gave Mike a chance to go take care of a few things, too, judging from our convo earlier). Hope the lecutre was riveting. :)