I have some crazy classmates. I love them all, even the immature, hard-ass ones.
One in particular seems to always have me laughing in labs. Ms. T, is a talker. We practice our skills on *dummies* before they let us out to the real world patients. Well, Ms. T talks to these dummies to no end. We have to talk our way through a procedure. Boy does she talk! It's hillarious the things she comes up with.
Anyway...today we got her good. She was talking her way through a procedure of cleaning a Foley catheter. Our instructor, Mrs. C. was explaining the reason we need to have the catheter secured to the leg during this procedure, so to not pull or irritate the cath back and forth in the patients urethra/bladder floor. This got ms. T thinking. So she asks about the balloon part of the cath. How to be sure it's blow up enough, etc. Then you could see the next question forming in her mind..."How do we blow this up?" Mrs. C, having answered this before, and Ms. T. missing the answer probably because of her deep conversation with the dummy, honestly did not know. So Ms. I, another student and Mrs. C, our instructor, both at the same time say.. "you blow on it, like a regular balloon". The look on Ms. T's face was priceless. For that fleeting moment, she believed it. She first expected it to not be true, coming from the other student...but Mrs. C. said it also...so it had to be true, right?
We all burst into laughter as she quickly realized the instructor was pulling her chain.
Mrs. C has informed the class, that when we start Med-Surg in two weeks, and learn how to put in a Foley catheter...that she will be sure that Ms. T., will be the first student to demonstrate. I can't wait for that one!
Salsa Tatemada (Fire-Roasted Salsa)
2 days ago
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