Sunday, April 12, 2009

I did gooood

So I passed the CPR with a 93 and I made a 94 on my practicum. I'm rather proud of myself. The whole class, including me, were sweating bullets all day Friday as we were called 1 by 1 into the lab to choose an unknown skill scenario and perform it for our instructor. I was lucky enough to pull a card that had 4 skills on it. yay me. I did fine though. The only mistake I made was in regards to my safety, ergonomics ...I didn't raise the bed enough for my well being (back injuries #1 in nursing). I'll tell you, I won't make that mistake again.

So it's off to the Nursing Home for my first week of clinicals starting tomorrow. I'm pretty relaxed about it. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that you did well on your test, Sis! You've always been so focused on others that I think nursing is the perfect pick for you, career-wise, and because you ARE so focused on others, it doesn't surprise me that your only mistake was only one that would have ment you had to think of yourself instead of someone else, lol. You're doing GREAT!!!
